Construction Chemical Manufacturer



The majority of residential projects are using AAC blocks as wall units more frequently because of their many benefits. These are sturdy, long-lasting blocks that are lightweight and manageable. Made from fly ash, AAC Block Adhesives offer superior thermal insulation. ( We are AAC BLOCK ADHESIVE CHEMICAL SUPPLIER ) They are therefore listed among the green or ecologically friendly building materials. Masonry construction has long employed cement-sand mortar. However, using traditional mortar with newly produced AAC blocks has led to poor construction quality because of their mismatched qualities. When looking at the entire brickwork, there is less thermal insulation because the cement mortar is harder to bond with AAC blocks and has poorer thermal insulation properties.

aac block adhesive

Consequently, adhesives that are specifically designed to meet the needs of AAC blocks have been created. This AAC block adhesive is more advantageous than regular cement mortar when used with AAC blocks, Chemax AAC BLOCK ADHESIVE CHEMICAL SUPPLIER in India. There is disagreement among contractors and homeowners regarding which is more economical: cement mortar or AAC block adhesive. We have outlined the advantages of AAC block adhesive and provided a cost comparison with conventional cement sand mortar to help you make the best choice.

AAC blocks are adhered to one another using specially designed adhesives made from cement, lime, sand, and specialty polymers by the AAC Block Adhesive Manufacturer company. Fly ash is also added to the formulation in other situations. The thickness of mortar is decreased by these adhesives from 8–12 mm to 3–4 mm. There are several benefits over conventional cement sand mortar. The amount of glue needed to attach AAC blocks is only 3–4 mm, as opposed to 8–12 mm for cement sand mortar. Consequently, a 75% reduction in jointing material is achieved.

The purpose of the AAC block adhesive is to enhance the heat-insulating capabilities of AAC blocks. Because of this, the entire stonework acts as a thermal barrier, unlike cement mortar. Due to the tight conditions under which the adhesives are manufactured, quality control procedures can be closely monitored, producing an end product that is superior. Because cement mortar is made on-site, it may be challenging to control the mortar’s quality during the process. Making mortar on the spot makes it impossible to verify the quality of the raw materials. Before being utilized in the creation of adhesives, the producers will test the raw materials.


In terms of cost-effectiveness, the Top AAC block adhesive is a more affordable option when considering the price in India. AAC block adhesive is less expensive than conventional mortar and offers several advantages. Because of its advantages and the cost of AAC Block Adhesive, labor, transportation, and curing expenses are all decreased. Therefore, when building with AAC blocks, homeowners should think about buying adhesive. Many businesses manufacture adhesive that is safe for the environment. Thus, it is necessary to look into these alternatives.

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