CHEMTILE MP55 is a single component, polymer modified cement based grey colored powder.

  • Where to Use? :
    Flooring & Wall
    Internal Use-External Use
    Terraces and Balconies
    Swimming Pools
    Domestic Applications
    Commercial Applications
  • Do not use: :
    On wood, metal, plastics, resilient materials,
    Deformable surfaces.
    On surfaces subject to vibrations.
High Quality Tile Adhesive

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Polymer modified

pre wetting of tiles not required and hence less prone to cracking of mortar


Excellent adhesion on smooth surfaces

Develops high adhesive bond strength


Non toxic

User friendly application


Self cure

does not require external curing


Single component

ease of application


Non shrink

excellent bond with the substrate


Forms a dense and impermeable mortar bed



Excellent work and open wet time of 2 hrs at 90C

allows the mason to fix tiles at ease even under hot conditions

Mechanical Properties


Density of the mixed material:1.95g/cc
Pot life: Approx. 3 hrs @ +35 °C
Setting Time:Initial – 13 hrs
Final – 2 days
Pull out bond strength on tile at 28 days:>2.1 N/mm2
Shear adhesion after heating to +100 °C:>1 N /mm2
Open time (BIII tile according EN 14411):+23°C ≥ 60 min.
+35°C ≥ 20 min.

Open time (BIII tile according EN 14411):

+23°C ≈ 20 hrs
+35°C ≈ 12 hrs
Compressive strength (N/mm2):3 Days
7 Days
28 Days
  • Surface Preparation :All surfaces must be sound and thoroughly clean before CHEMTILE MP55 is applied. All traces of grease or oil must be removed with suitable degreaser. All loose particles of mortar, old wallpaper, paint etc., must be physically removed. In case of cementations surfaces, the areas of application must be thoroughly wetted with water to obtain saturated surface dry condition. In case of smooth surfaces, pre wetting of substrate with water is not essential.
  • Mixing : CHEMTILE MP55 should be mixed with water in the ratio of 3: 1 by volume or 4:1 by weight. While mixing, add powder to the water to avoid lump formation. A slow speed drill fitted with a suitable mixing paddle is recommended for mixing. Hand Mixing may also be resorted to if small quantities are mixed. (Note: Use of chilled water in extreme temperatures will increase open time of CHEMTILE MP55
  • Application : CHEMTILE MP55. is spread on the substrate to a uniform thickness of 2mm to 12mm(min to max). This is then combed horizontally with a notched trowel. The tiles are then placed firmly into the adhesive bed ensuring good contact with the mortar by a twisting motion.
  • Finishing : The excess material shall be removed with a damp cloth before it sets. Joint grouting with CHEMAX JOINT Grout may be commenced 24 hours after tiles have been fixed.
  • Packaging : CHEMTILE MP55 is supplied in 20KG AND 25 KG Bag.
  • Coverage : Approximately 1.3 kg of CHEMTILE MP 55is required per sq.meter when uniformly applied at 1mm thickness. Material consumption will increase if the substrate is not even.
  • Shelf life : 12 months in unopened bags under normal warehouse conditions. CHEMTILE MP55. must be stored in a cool dry place.