CX FAST SET P+ is a unique combination of the latest generation of polycarboxylate polymers Which act synergistically to outperform conventional superplasticisers.
CX FAST SET P+ has been specifically developed for the precast concrete industry coupling superior high range water reducing capabilities and excellent dispersion levels with robust performance.
CX FAST SET P+ is ideal for use in precast concrete where the desire to maximise the performance of the concrete in the plastic and hardened state is preeminent.

Uses:Water reductions of up to 45%, promote higher early age strength and superior ultimate strength.

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  • CX FAST SET P+ produces concrete of an extremely high fluidity. This enables floating and finishing to be made easier and less labor intensive.
  • High early age strength development improves productivity, earlier transfer of pre-stress and negates the requirement for accelerating admixtures during cold weather.
  • Improved theology of concrete provides a blemish free surface finish which requires less remedial work (dressing).
  • Robust performance accommodating different cement source and types.
  • Chloride free. Ideal for concrete containing embedded steel
  • Increased strength facilitates earlier striking of formwork, lifting of precast elements and further cement reductions. This enables the producer to increase efficiency and reduce overall energy input. Competitive cost in use coupled with best in class performance.
Mechanical Properties
Nature Liquid
Colour 0.59
Specific gravity 0.55
pH 4 +/- 1
Chloride content <0.1%
Na20 equivalent <0.5%
Freezing point Sensitive to freezing
Air entrainment Typically less than 2% additional air is entrained at normal dosage.
  • CX FAST SET P+ is supplied ready for addition to concrete at the batching plant.
  • Typical dosage : For each application the optimum dosage of CX FAST SET P+ is best established by trial mixes with the same site materials in use under conditions that will be experienced on site.
    The typical dosage range for CX FAST SET P+ is 0.3 to 1.2 liters /100 kg of Cementitious content.
  • Dispensing : The correct quantity of CX FAST SET P+ should be measured by means of a suitable dispenser at the time of batching the concrete.
    CX FAST SET P+ is best added with the latter part of the mixing water.
  • With cements : CX FAST SET P+ is suitable for use with all types of Portland cement and cement replacement materials e.g. GGBS, PFA and micro silica.
  • With other admixtures : CX FAST SET P+ is compatible with other admixtures in the CHEMAX range. Admixtures should never be premixed prior to their addition to the concrete mix.
  • Packaging : CX FAST SET P+ is available in bulk supply or 20 litre drums.
  • Storage : CX FAST SET P+ has a minimum shelf life of 12 months ehen the product is stored between 2oC and 50oC.
    If CX FAST SET P+ becomes frozen the material should be fully thawed and mixed until homogenious before use.
  • Fire : CX FAST SET P+ is water based and non–flammable