CX FASTSET AN is a chloride free accelerating admixture based on a combination of formate and nitrite salts. It is supplied as a straw colored solution that instantly disperses in water. CX FASTSET AN accelerates the early stages of cement hydration, producing a more rapid stiffening and allowing strength gain to commence at an earlier stage.

Uses:To accelerate the stiffening and early strength gain of Portland cement concrete and mortar.
Typical applications include concrete or mortar placed in cold weather and precast concrete .

Standards compliance:CX FASTSET AN complies with BS 5075 Part 1 and with ASTM C494 as type C.

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Particularly effective

Particularly effective in assisting to offset the delaying effect of low temperatures on setting and strength gain


Suitable for use

Suitable for use in bricklaying mortar


Accelerated setting

Accelerated setting gives added protection against early age frost attack


Chloride free

Chloride free, safe for use in REINFORCED CONCRETE


increased workability

Also provides a degree of water reduction or increased workability

Mechanical Properties


Appearance : Straw colored liquid
Specific gravity : Typically 1.26 at 20°C
Chloride content : Nil to BS 5075
Air entrainment : Typically less than 1% additional air is entrained at normal dosages
Alkali content : Typically less than 155.0 g. Na2O equivalent / liter of admixture.
Specification Clauses
  • Compatibility : CX FASTSET AN is compatible with other CHEMAX admixtures in the same concrete mix. The admixtures must be added to the concrete separately with the mixing water and must not be directly mixed together prior to addition. The performance of concrete containing more than one admixture should be assessed by trial mixes to ensure the desired combination of effects is obtained. CX FASTSET AN is suitable for use with ordinary Portland cement. Contact the CHEMAX Technical Service Department for advice on use with sulphate resisting cements and cement replacement materials.
  • Durability : CX FASTSET AN has no detrimental effect on the protection given to embedded steel by the alkalinity of cement and is safe for use as an accelerator in situations where chloride containing admixtures cannot be used.
  • Dispensing : The correct quantity of CX FASTSET AN should be measured by means of a recommended dispenser. The admixture should then be added to the concrete with the mixing water to obtain the best results. Contact the CHEMAX Technical Service Department for advice regarding dispensing suitable equipment and its installation.
  • Effects of overdosing: An overdose of double the intended amount of CX FASTSET AN may result in increased acceleration. In common with other accelerators this may slightly reduce the ultimate strength of the concrete. Testing has shown no detrimental effect on embedded steel even at four times overdose.
  • Curing: As with all structural concrete, good curing practice should be maintained. Water spray, wet hessian or a Redicure spray applied curing membrane should be used. Typical performance examples many variables in concreting materials and conditions can effect the selection and use of an admixture. Trials should be carried out using relevant materials and conditions in order to determine the optimum mix design and admixture dosage to meet specific requirements. Typical performance examples from evaluation studies of CX FATSET AN are included on this data sheet. The values quoted are representative of results obtained and are provided as illustrations of performance. Because of the variability of concreting materials, the results should only be taken as typical of the performance to be expected. Results quoted in individual examples should not be taken as necessarily directly comparable with other examples given here or results quoted elsewhere for CX FASTSET AN or other products.
  • Curing Mix Dosage Setting time   Compressive strength (N/mm2)
    temp.   L/100 kg Intial Final 10 hr.   18 hr. 24 hr. 3d 7d 28d
    50C Control - 14 hr 00 19 hr 00 -   - 1.5 5.5 17.0 32.0
      FASTSET AN 2.5 12 hr 00 17 hr 00 -   0.5 3.0 10.0 20.0 36.0
    100C Control - 4 hr 00 6 hr 00 -   - 2.5 8.0 20.0 35.0
      FASTSET AN 2.5 3 hr00 4 hr30 -   2.0 4.5 13.0 24.0 40.0
    200C Control - 3 hr 00 4 hr 30 1.0   4.5 6.0 17.0 29.0 43.0
  • Limitations : CX FASTSET AN is most effective at low temperatures and early ages. Where compressive strength gain is the major requirement, and stiffening rates are less important, a more cost effective performance may be obtained through the use of a CHEMAX plasticiser or superplasticiser. Normal precautions for cold weather concreteing should be followed where CX FASTSET AN is used.
  • Estimating : CX FASTSET AN is available in 20,50 AND 250 KG drums.
  • Storage : CX FASTSET AN has a minimum shelf life of 12 months provided the temperature is kept within the range of 2°C to 50°C. Should the temperature of the product fall outside this range then the CHEMAX Technical Service Department should be contacted for advice. CX FASTSET AN is an oxidizing agent and should be stored away from reducing agents and combustible materials. Freezing point: Below -16°C. Crystallization may occur below -1°C. If crystallization does occur it is important that the product is reconstituted before use.
  • Health & Safety instructions : CX FASTSET AN is toxic and should not be swallowed or allowed to come into contact with skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective gloves and goggles. Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. If swallowed seek medical attention immediately - Do not induce vomiting. CX FASTSET AN is an oxidizing agent and must not be mixed with acids and other admixtures. Refer to DzInstructions for usedz. For further information consult the Product Safety Datasheet available for this product.
  • Fire : CX FASTSET AN is water based and non-flammable but should be stored away from combustible materials.
  • Cleaning and disposal : Spillages of CX FASTSET AN should be absorbed onto sand, earth or vermiculite and transferred to suitable containers. Do not allow CX FASTSET AN to enter rivers or drains. The disposal of excess or waste material should be carried out in accordance with local legislation under the guidance of the local waste regulatory authority