CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 is based on Sulphonated Naphthalene Polymers and supplied as a brown liquid instantly dispersible in water.

Uses : 

-To produce pumpable concrete
To produce high strength, high grade concrete M30 & above by substantial reduction in water resulting in
low permeability and high early strength.
To produce high workability concrete requiring little or no vibration during placing

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Improved workability

Easier, quicker placing and compaction.


Improved quality

Denser, close textured concrete with reduced porosity and hence more durable.


Chloride free

Safe in prestressed concrete and with sulphate resisting cements and marine aggregates.


Increased strength

Provides high early strength for precast concrete with the advantage of higher water reduction ability.


Higher cohesion

Risk of segregation and bleeding minimized; thus aids pumping of concrete

Appearance Dark Brown Liquid
Chloride contentNil to IS:456*
pH1.19 at 27°C
Relative Density1.19 at 27°C
Chemical BaseModified Napthalene Formaldehyde Sulphonate
  • Dosage : The optimum dosage is best determined by site trials with the concrete mix which enables the effects of workability, strength gain or cement reduction to be measured. Site trials with CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 should always be compared with mix containing no admixture. As a guide, the rate of addition is generally in the range of 0.5 - 2.0 liters / 100 kg cement.
  • Dispensing : The measured quantity of CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 should be added along with the gauging water. For best results, add CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 superplasticiser in the last phase after prewetting the mix with 80% of the total water required.
  • Over dosing : An over dose of double the recommended amount of CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 will result in very high workability and some retardation of setting time will occur. However, the ultimate compressive strength will not be impaired.
  • Packaging : CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 is supplied in 5, 20 and 250 kg drums.
  • Health & Safety instructions : CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 is non-toxic. Any splashes on the skin should be washed immediately with water. Splashes on the eyes should be washed immediately with water and medical advice should be sought.
  • Fire : CX SUPERCONCRETE 440 is non flammable.